Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas in Bromley

Drawing mat from Uncle Josh
We enjoyed Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in Bromley with Betsy and Wes and the girls. The excitement is accentuated when seen through the eyes of children. Playing with the girls, and hearing Alathea say "Want ta do it agin grampa" is something that brings laughter and richness and energy. We are not ashamed to be in these types of relationships, even in public with crowds of people! It reminds me that Jesus is not ashamed to  call us family. (Heb 2:11 Both the one who makes people holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers and sisters.)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Crafty Girls in Town

Soapy & Lather
How many Christmas cards can two young girls make? How much paper do you have? Ash and Jackie gave the girls some washable markers as a gift on Monday night and the next two days have been non stop crafts and cards. Spiders and snowflakes and cutting and pasting (the real thing not the cyber type). Sweets may have contributed to the frenzy, but it has been a truly remarkable phenomenon. Swimming duckies and expanding washcloths have added to the fun!

Friday, December 16, 2011

First snow in Luton

Let it snow
We woke up this morning to a fresh white dusting of snow and it continued through the morning until there was about an inch or so! We then went for a walk and watched children making snow balls and sliding down steep slopes to "Peoples Park". It was a "winter wonderland" for just a few hours.
The water tower from Peoples Park

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Deck the House

Our little front room
Well, we do have halls but we are not energetic enough to deck the halls so we decked the front room instead. Last week Larry helped with a Carol evening at St. Mary's church. This is an old church which has been around for about 900 years. John Wesley preached there and they broke all the windows thinking it would freeze him out. It did not! So the windows are only about 200 years old. Our flat is relatively new as well, built around 1919! We are curious as to how many families have celebrated Christmas here. Let us not break the tradition.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Season to Search

Hundreds of bodies pack the Arndale Mall every day; Shop keepers rush to keep up with the demand. We stand in line waiting to buy that one more thing that will bring happiness; We schedule one more party, or gathering, or event, to bring us closer together; Often we are frustrated, irritated, deflated, disappointed, let down and downright grumpy! Then we finally remember "it's not about us, it's about Him"...

If we search for Him we may find Him where we least expect, maybe in Nazareth or maybe in Luton.

St Georges Square, Luton
May you have Joy in Jesus this season

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Heavenly Sounds for the Season

Last Saturday we attended a string concert at the Highfield Oval in Harpenden. The group is called The Kings Chamber Orchestra. They are a community of believers and also incredible musicians. The first song was in surround sound as they began playing and walking around the audience. The melody was "How Great is our God". It was a wonderful way to experience the Lord's presence together. Click on the name to hear a sample of their music.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Let us Give Thanks

Full Kitchen

Yea a new park!

What's this?
It was hard work for Barbara and I, but we wanted to host our team and also Betsy's family for Thanksgiving. We searched for turkeys and trimmings, ordered pumpkin online by special delivery, bought a coffee maker chairs and booster chairs, and tested the oven. I downloaded some pictures of the Pilgrims, printed these along with Lincoln's proclamation, and made some ornamental cards saying "Thank You Lord" to decorate the house. It was our way of showing gratitude for all the Lord has done in our lives these two months in the UK.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Along the Canal

Very near to us is the Grand Union Canal, which in the 1800s, was used to transport coal and other goods. Now it is used for recreation and exercise with a walking path along one side. The narrow boats slowly cruise the thin canal giving a relaxing feeling of refreshment. Speaking of refreshment there are several old Inns along the canal which serve good food. The locks are still manually operated and the whole system is balanced by lakes at certain strategic high points. The canal was an amazing piece of efficient, enduring engineering.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

All night prayer in the Cave

Last Friday was a night of prayer for Egypt by believers from many denominations. Cick here to see the utube video. They gathered in the famous cave church in Cairo and lifted their voices together in praise, intercession, and blessing for their neighbors. It reminds me of Jesus' words "blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled"

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Wardrobe Wars

Two Door Model Wardrobe
You would think that something as simple as a box to put your clothes in would not be too difficult right? Well just to show that life is much more complicated than we give it credit, we've put in two wardrobes upstairs in our house in Luton and after almost ruining a new box by trying to lift it before it's appointed time, I thought things had to get better. Then, when given an older wardrobe, I discovered that taking it apart was harder than putting the new one together! My handyman skills have been truly tested and a lesson in humility may have done me good. The good news is that we now have two bedrooms where people can sleep in our little house in Luton. Thank you Lord.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fresh View

Lay's first lollypop
"Half Term"  is a scheduled school break this week and we are giving our hosts in Luton a break from us! This means that Betsy and Wes have the pleasure of hosting us... :-) The girls are happy to go on adventures and have us read them things and show them pictures and clips. It's a lot of fun to see things through their young eyes and experience their fresh excitement. Each time an airplane flies by Lay Lay gets really excited!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Walk don't Run

Walking on Bunyan Way
Walk don't run is good advice. You have time while walking to enjoy creation and observe things you may miss at a faster pace. We have been reminded of this again as we were trying hard to find a flat quickly in our new UK location. Try as we may things didn't seem to unfold so quickly. Then we found that the Lord had a surprise house for us that would make the wait worth while and bring a blessing to us and others.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Smiles and Hugs

Happy Girls
Smiles and hugs all around as we celebrate new visas, a new school, Wes' new job and so on. We found an inexpensive ride to Bromley for the weekend, borrowed the air matress and had a jolly time with the family. Back in Luton we began the house search in earnest and it's hard to believe it's only been a week

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Rangers are in the Pennant Finals

The Rangers have won their opening series against the Rays today and in honor we have a little video cheer featuring familiar faces! Click on Our October Team to go to the page!


Tony K at Graduation
We've been saying our farewells to  friends and family this last week as we prepare to move to England for many months. A quick trip to Illinois to visit my parents (and help put on a new garage door), goodbyes at our church, phone calls to the children, dinner with neighbors, and of course a last run on the basketball court (where I received a sweaty hug from the guys). Truly the word "everyone who has left houses and family will receive a hundred times" can be seen in the many relationships that have come to us during our times serving in Mercy Ships and Ywam. These are true riches!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Falling like Dominoes

It's been almost a year since our visa applications to Lebanon were rejected. Today we have approved visas for the UK and that means it's time to move. It's almost like dominoes. One thing falling into place makes way for another and then another. Some time back during the drought the Lord seemed to indicate that it would break in September and that is what is happening. Our waiting for direction also seems to be ending this month.What a pleasant year of waiting it has been. So many supportive friends and family members!  Thank the Lord once again! 
Bryan Visiting last Monday

Thursday, September 15, 2011


What we looked like back then
Last Sunday was the 10th Anniversary Memorial of 911 and the nation (and world) remembered the evil, the tragedy, the heroics, the rebuilding, and our changed lives. It was good to be reminded as we tend to forget the pain, the suffering, the resolve. It's natural that people want to move on, but it's also good to remember and to focus on what is important in life. The Lord, family, relationships and things of eternal value. Lord keep our eyes focused firmly on you and teach us to "number our days".

Monday, September 5, 2011

Our Applications are in Progress

We are busy trying to navigate the paperwork maze and requirements in order to receive Religious Worker visas for the UK. We've completed the online portion and now are working to get "biometrics" and supporting documents sent along to the Consular in New York. We are a bit unsure of ourselves in this unfamiliar process, but we trust the Lord will guide us.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Sound of Rain

When we came home this afternoon the temperature was 100F. The wind began blowing wildly and dust and leaves were flying everywhere. Then came the sound of thunder! We were still not sure if we would get rain because we have not had any for a month and three weeks and there have been over 66 days of 100F temperature since June. Still we have been asking for rain and the Lord was gracious today. It rained for about 45 minutes and the temperature dropped almost 30 degrees F! Thank you Lord for the sound of rain at our house again.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Time Rushes On

We are once again in transition mindset, living in one place and thinking about going to live in another (the UK). It's hard to comprehend that school is starting up again, that although we are still burning up here in East Texas, one day it is going to rain again, and be cool again, and we need to think about cold weather clothing and rain gear and so on. Perhaps this is why the Lord continues to give us instruction about waiting and watching for His return. Things appear to be always the same, but really they are changing quickly and He wants us to be prepared. So I have a snow photo as my computer backdrop picture just to remind me that things are changing.

Can you believe it?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Simple Answer to some of our Problems CNG

For some unknown reason I am on a Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) information hunt. Check out this link for CNG filling stations. The Tyler paper ran an article on how green and efficient and abundant natural gas is around the world, and then, while in London, the London Times ran a similar article. After finding out that fuel is $8.50 per gallon in the UK, and that a friends neighbor had a natural gas conversion of his Toyota Land Cruiser, I was hooked on hunting for information. Is it more practical and affordable than say buying a hybrid vehicle? Can you recoup your conversion costs etc.? The short answer is yes! So why is it kept such a big secret? The answer is I don't know...

Monday, August 1, 2011

Bible Reading

Only three more months and I will have finished reading the Bible this year. It is not something I have done each year but took up the challenge from David Platt's book "Radical". I came up with a schedule that I thought might work for me... and it seems to be working. If you are interested in my attempt at organization (that's a joke) you can check out my reading schedule page here on the blog www.shineonus-larry.blogspot.com

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Another New Song

Bryan has helped me with another new song called In the Garden which is the story of the Fall.

Check it out by clicking the title.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Rangers win 3 to 1

 We thought it would be much more enjoyable to watch the Rangers play in Seattle where temperatures are about 75F rather than in Texas where they are about 100F. So we purchased some good seats on the third base side and took Clementine and Elijah to their first baseball game. Of course they didn't know what was going on but they enjoyed the peanuts, hotdogs etc. and the big screen which showed shots of fans in between innings. It did lay the ground work for running bases and catching a ball later on.
SafeCo Field

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Riding the Rails

Great family fun filled with old trains, period actors, music, farms and the great outdoors!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Sharing Health Care Costs

Samaritan Ministries are one fine example of believers bearing one another's burdens.  We joined them last year and our healthcare related costs have gone down! As you know healthcare in the US is very complicated and expensive. Many people still are not insured even after the landmark legislation, and it certainly has not reduced the costs for ordinary citizens. Samaritan Ministries is another case of good news that goes unpublished. If you decide to join, give them our names and we get a discount.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Our Hosts

While scouting out Luton Town we were warmly hosted by Richard and Mary. They are involved with Chinese students and have visited China several times. They have been living in Luton for quite some time and in addition to being fun, were a wealth of information. They also have a tumble dryer. :-)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Hats R us

The little spotted one wanted us to put on hats (she was very ardent about it). So we donned hats to humor her. Now I can see how they benefit a young ladies wardrobe, but they didn't do much for the masculine!
The pensive look

The market look

The nightcap look

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Trains and Planes and Things that Go

Union Station
Bromley Zoo
Riding Easy

Traveling sounds exciting but ... after a slow train to Chicago, thunderstorms delaying our outbound flight, then electrical problems delaying it more we finally arrived in London for another 2 hours of trains to London Road! Fortunately family perks us up after the long road.
Betsy to Meet Us

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Train to Chicago

40mph to Chicago
Well we are heading for the airport in Chicago at a very slow speed due to heat restrictions on the tracks. It's about 70 degrees outside. Hmmm...... We've come from Decatur where my dad had a procedure in the cath lab on Friday. Then we spent the night at our friends house in Indiana and caught the train the next morning. Only one train to Chicago per day so we are very very early and the slow speed gives us time to catch up on emails and blogs and all that rigamarole.

Can't wait to get to Chicago and get some breakfast!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Watching from the Porch

The Lord will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season Deut 28:12
Barb has fixed up the porch (and she is out there now) as these past several weeks have been really ideal weather. She can sit on the porch surrounded by pictures of the grandchildren, with her music playing and reading the newspaper, while enjoying the green leaves, the cool breeze, and even the rain. We've also really enjoyed the fresh produce from the micro garden this month. Talk about no guilt healthy eating.
Thank you Lord for answering our prayers and giving us a good measure of rain.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

Betsy, Bryan, Andy
 We went up to Bryan's house for Mother's Day and had a very enjoyable weekend helping around the house, and tasting Michelle's special chicken, sweet potatoes, and roasted brussels sprouts.
It says in the Proverbs he who gets a wife finds favor from the Lord and that sure has been my experience with Barbara
We are also so thankful for the three children and all the blessings they have been to us over the years!

Bryan in Office
Michelle and Reena

Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Great Man of God passes to His reward

David Wilkerson was killed in a head on car crash yesterday here in East Texas. Check out this link to read a very few comments from those touched by God through him. So many in this part of East Texas know personally of his generosity. I remember when he forgave the 300,000 dollars remaining to be paid by Mercy Ships for their first property, when we were working there. I will remember this week not for the Royal Wedding, or the devastating tornadoes, but for the passing of a faithful servant of God. May we take up the torch.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


This is a sweet smelling blossom, that means we enjoy it's presence, it delights our senses, it brings good things to our minds, it is a pleasing experience. Paul tells us to live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. When we are full of Jesus, we are sweet smelling too. He is risen!

If you have not read our latest news (April) click on the month for an update.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Lessons from the Garden

I have a little garden up in the field above our house. I've just picked a good bunch of salad greens for some people we are having over for dinner tonight. It reminds me that today is the day of Resurrection Week that represents the preparation, the last passover, the washing of the disciples feet, the prayer for all believers, the disciples falling asleep, the night time visit to the familiar garden, and Jesus' betrayal to death.

We remember ... and the memory causes us to go on and on.

Monday, April 18, 2011

After One Week

I spent a week helping a friend remodel a lake house last week and am I sore! Especially my hands.

This is Resurrection week and yesterday we read the story from the gospel of John about Jesus' last week of work. His conflict with those that hate him, his care for those that follow him, his institution of the New Covenant, his dedication to his Father, his emotional struggle, his intense spiritual prayer, his suffering, and his glory. No wonder the myriads of angels say "Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!"

Praise the Lord, praise the Lord O my soul

Monday, April 11, 2011

Joy comes in the Morning

Resurrection Sunday is coming up later this month and with a little help from my family we have a newly released song called He Lives Forevermore (click on the title to go to the link). Jesus said "my food is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work" The "finished work" was multifaceted, as this little song for my grandchildren reflects. Share the joy of the Resurrection with a friend!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

One man's trash

I had the pleasure of taking Alathea (Laylay)  for a mini burger today and after cleaning up she wanted to look into the bag of throw away things. I should have known she would find some left overs! Grandpas don't think about these things...  

Friday, April 1, 2011

Feeling the Father's Heart

Celebration at the Homecoming
I spent a week in Jordan feeling the Father's heart for his children and trying to help clarify the truths that God continues to communicate through his word and his body. There was healing for me in the process as this is the how our good Lord works his ways. It was great to be back in the M.E. again.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

On the Runway Again

We travel on Friday to England and then I go on to Jordan to teach a week on the Father Heart of God to 9 students. We are finishing up taxes and chores around the house, trying to get a glimpse of the beautiful Azalea Trail in Tyler, washing the car to get the bugs off and organizing for the trip. We are really fortunate to have purchased our tickets a few months ago because the prices have gone through the roof! The men at church prayed for us this morning and really blessed us going out. Thanks guys!
Are we excited about seeing Betsy and Wes and the girls? Does the wind howl? Yes especially this time of year. :-)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Don't Pinch Me


Green Spread

Stylish Derby

Luck O the Irish

Hazelnut Delights
We made it back to the green isle of New Harmony where we were joined by Bryan and Michelle to celebrate St Patricks Day with corned beef and cabbage and all the trimmings. Thanks to my beautiful wife who put it all together along with the appropriate hats.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Back to the Hinterlands

After church on Sunday we struck out for a visit to the Hurts in Illinois. We made it to Southern Mo. by nightfall and spent the night in Hayti Missouri. The next morning we were surprised by snow just south of St. Louis! Snowplows were not in our mindset!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Notes on Spring

Along with the early Spring flowers here in Texas the Redbud trees and Plum and Pear trees are also flowering. This one in our yard is really coming out nicely. We have also planted some vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, onions, beets, and chard in our little garden plot up by the shed. Some birds are passing through but this turkey who is enjoying our bird seed is a neighbors pet.