Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Walking and Talking

Barb and I with friends from the Uni
These last few days we've been taking in the countryside. We walked along the Grand Union on Saturday and then today we went in search of the fading bluebells. The wood behind the Oval is a wonderful spot for birds and squirrels and for a brief season, the bluebells!
One of the original canal boats?
Swan on her nest
The path less traveled
Bluebell Blanket

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A Day in the Maze

On Monday our Bridge Team traveled to Shefford to have a picnic at a maze, and enjoy games and fun together for the day.

A Special Resurrection Sunday

Last Sunday was a special Resurrection Sunday as Sophia was baptized at their church in Bromley. We were witnesses and Barb made roast leg of lamb later at their home. We will all do our best to help Sophia as she tries to follow Jesus and live the life of a disciple.
Answering the questions
Vicar Ian
With her friend Elia

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Theo comes to 88

Well it's Easter break and the girls get two weeks so the entire family has come up to 88 this week for a bit of Grandma's cooking. It's the first trip on a train for Theo and his first time to visit 88.
Buggy Boy
Park Play
After the Procedure

Daisy leading the procession for Palm Sunday

Barb and I went over to Ely for Palm Sunday in the Cathedral and joined the procession into the church around 10am. Daisy the donkey was leading and went right into the church! We also stopped by Oliver Cromwell's house to see what they were eating back in the 1600's
Ely Cathedral
Grand Entrance
Eel Pie

Monday, April 7, 2014

Swiss Chocolate

I had the privilege of spending the weekend in a Swiss Villa while teaching Kingdom principles to a group of about 12. The mountains were hiding, but the sun was shining and the birds singing. New friends were made as we learned and prayed together. Oh and of course I retuned with chocolate...