Tuesday, November 24, 2015

As close to Vietnam as I've ever been

When I was 18 I registered for the draft and was frightened by a mistakenly low number assigned to my birthday on the radio. I thought for sure it was off to Vietnam for me to fight in the jungles. When the newspaper came out there was a clarification and my number was very high and in the end I was not drafted. These memories came back to me as we flew into Phnom Penh over the rice fields and blue roofs and the Mekong River. My life would have been drastically different if I had survived. Then there was the Khmer Rouge scourge of the 70s and into the 80s while we were raising young children and I was going to University. This trip was to encourage rural churches and people who have had to pick up the pieces over the interim years and about how the God of life can redeem even the worst circumstances.

Cooling Down

Warm Response

Leche Fruit

Strange Fruit


Off to School

Sweet Children

Children are Children Everywhere

New Bridge

Wood Stove


Tiny Dancers

