Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Elijah turns Nine!

First Pictures
It's hard to imagine that it was nine years ago that I was walking and waiting for news of our grand baby's birth (we didn't know it was Elijah then) when I asked the Lord "You wouldn't want to tell me when the baby will be born would you?" and "the 28th" flashed through my mind. I called Barb and told her timidly about my experience and that I thought maybe the baby would be born on Saturday the 28th. Sure enough when Saturday rolled around I got the call, and all the news about the rush to the hospital, and then the pictures started coming. Here I am admiring him from the other side of the world before ever meeting him in person. Then later in the year there is Elijah in the sink, and borrowing Monk (alias Belle) who would shortly depart for the Queens Island.
First Visit

Bath in Sink 8 mos
First Christmas
First Frog Suit
First Cousin Visit (note who has Belle)

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