Friday, January 24, 2014

Baby English has Arrived!

Betsy went in to the hospital at 10am on Thursday and stayed all night and they did not get a delivery room until 6am Friday morning.

Baby English, Theodore Christian English, was born at 9:30am GMT weighing 9 pounds and 21 1/4 inches long

we are celebrating the new arrival ... here is his picture!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Back in Hightown

Well it's been over a week now and I am back in Hightown Luton enjoying the mild weather and connecting with friends and co-workers. Betsy is expecting any day (my dad says it is today so we will see) and Barb has gone down to Bromley to assist her in any way she can. I've been riding the bike a little and today I had my first jog down to Wardown Park. Somehow I feel a bit of stability creeping back into my soul. I have almost completed the Mac to PC transfer so this is the end of my Mac experiment and I must say I am much happier (and more pocket money) back on a PC.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Titus Prays

It is so much fun to see your children's children enjoying God. Here Titus gets really exited about praying and wants to pray himself!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

One More Day to Take Off

I've made another trip to Illinois beating the blizzard on the way up then getting caught in it and driving back to Texas just before another storm came in. Not my favourite thing to do but thank the Lord for safety in all this winter weather. It rained on Friday so I had the chance to test the last patch that I put on the chimney. It was dry, but it was not the torrential rain like we get from time to time. Lastly, I think I've cleared the squirrels from under the house. This will allow me to leave Texas with some peace of mind. Today the sky is blue and the temp is about 70 degrees. This is how January should be! I've packed, cleaned the house, stowed the car, and now have time to enjoy the great weather before flying on to London where it is most likely raining.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy New 2014

Well here we are in another year. Barbara is back in London and I am solitary in our home in Texas. I definitely miss the woman's touch and the home cooking. I have made a turkey but it is way too much food for one and I will have to throw a lot away I think. I'm snacking on woven crackers and blue cheese that has turned green. Hmmm maybe I should not have bought it from the clearance basket. Some friends graciously loaned me a few Horatio dvds and I promptly watched them both until the wee hours of the morning. I've noticed it's hard to stay warm at night alone so I have an extra blanket on the bed. Maybe that's why I'm going to bed later. Everything is cluttered on tables and desktops and dressers in preparation for packing next week. I'm watching the weather and dreading one more marathon drive to Illinois to help my dad after mom passed away last month. What I am really thankful for is Christian Community, people we've worked with over the years who really care and are supportive. When the Lord puts you in his family there are abundant relationships to draw from. I've started a prayer journal for 2014 sensing the need to listen to the still small voice more intently. No matter what happens in 2014 I want to be walking through it with my hand in the hand of the Lord.