Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas in Bromley

Drawing mat from Uncle Josh
We enjoyed Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in Bromley with Betsy and Wes and the girls. The excitement is accentuated when seen through the eyes of children. Playing with the girls, and hearing Alathea say "Want ta do it agin grampa" is something that brings laughter and richness and energy. We are not ashamed to be in these types of relationships, even in public with crowds of people! It reminds me that Jesus is not ashamed to  call us family. (Heb 2:11 Both the one who makes people holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers and sisters.)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Crafty Girls in Town

Soapy & Lather
How many Christmas cards can two young girls make? How much paper do you have? Ash and Jackie gave the girls some washable markers as a gift on Monday night and the next two days have been non stop crafts and cards. Spiders and snowflakes and cutting and pasting (the real thing not the cyber type). Sweets may have contributed to the frenzy, but it has been a truly remarkable phenomenon. Swimming duckies and expanding washcloths have added to the fun!

Friday, December 16, 2011

First snow in Luton

Let it snow
We woke up this morning to a fresh white dusting of snow and it continued through the morning until there was about an inch or so! We then went for a walk and watched children making snow balls and sliding down steep slopes to "Peoples Park". It was a "winter wonderland" for just a few hours.
The water tower from Peoples Park

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Deck the House

Our little front room
Well, we do have halls but we are not energetic enough to deck the halls so we decked the front room instead. Last week Larry helped with a Carol evening at St. Mary's church. This is an old church which has been around for about 900 years. John Wesley preached there and they broke all the windows thinking it would freeze him out. It did not! So the windows are only about 200 years old. Our flat is relatively new as well, built around 1919! We are curious as to how many families have celebrated Christmas here. Let us not break the tradition.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Season to Search

Hundreds of bodies pack the Arndale Mall every day; Shop keepers rush to keep up with the demand. We stand in line waiting to buy that one more thing that will bring happiness; We schedule one more party, or gathering, or event, to bring us closer together; Often we are frustrated, irritated, deflated, disappointed, let down and downright grumpy! Then we finally remember "it's not about us, it's about Him"...

If we search for Him we may find Him where we least expect, maybe in Nazareth or maybe in Luton.

St Georges Square, Luton
May you have Joy in Jesus this season

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Heavenly Sounds for the Season

Last Saturday we attended a string concert at the Highfield Oval in Harpenden. The group is called The Kings Chamber Orchestra. They are a community of believers and also incredible musicians. The first song was in surround sound as they began playing and walking around the audience. The melody was "How Great is our God". It was a wonderful way to experience the Lord's presence together. Click on the name to hear a sample of their music.