Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Snow on the Mountains

Bryan, Michelle, Sarah and I had the privilege of going snow shoeing at Snoqualmie pass the week after Christmas. Barbara and Maureen stayed with the children and Andy worked. :-( It was a bright sunny and still day. I had my shoes on the wrong feet and couldn't figure out why they kept clacking together until the end of the day, but the grandeur and majesty of the mountains was a real treat for all of us, especially those of us from Texas.

Friday, December 24, 2010

The Best Christmas Story of the Season

While here in Seattle we visit with Andy and Sarah's home group and their leader Gus told us this amazing story that recently happened to them. While shopping at a local store they were given a little game card to scratch and see if they are winners. So they scratched and behold they won! They won 10,000 dollars! This in itself is incredible, but their response is what I believe is the best Christmas story of the season. Instead of paying bills or buying something for themselves they talked it over and agreed that this was a gift that they had not earned and decided that they would give the entire gift to something they have always wanted to do. They have always wanted to provide clean water for an entire village that lives without it. Now they are trying to get a matching grant to provide clean water to two entire villages! Now that is what Christmas is supposed to look like! Well done Gus and Erin.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Birthday Breakfast

First a chat with Betsy, Wes and Sophia, then coffee and cinnamon rolls, then presents for Barb this morning. Bryan and Michelle to add spice. The book with Elijah and Clementine recordings was a big highlight. Thanks Sarah and Andy! Barb is reeeel happy.

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Season

Here we are in Seattle enjoying the Season with Andy, Sarah (and her parents), Elijah, Clementine, and Nina. We brought the sun with us so today was out to the park. Nina is toddling and loves books (to chew), Elijah loves books too but legos are still the favorite. Clementine is learning quickly at school and has homework for the holidays! Kindergarten sure has changed.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Simple is Better

Barb has been reading me the complicated issues surrounding our complicated food processing. It seems we have sacrificed health for convenience. The conclusion seems to be, it takes longer to make your own food but it is much healthier for you. Simple is better. This should be a byword for followers of Jesus shouldn't it? Though not simple himself, our model lived a simple life. Born in a stable, without chariot or even donkey, without his own home, one garment, finding his food along the way, Jesus lived a life free from the cares that surround most of us. So when you feel overwhelmed with the complexity of your life, remind yourself  "simple is better" and look for ways to simplify with Jesus.

Monday, December 6, 2010

A Quiet Sunday

Not coming from a traditional church I am not familiar with the terms or the church calendar. Last year we had Christmas in Beirut and joined All Saints, an Anglican church with English speaking services. Pastor Nabil introduced us to the Advent Week schedule with the purpose of pointing us not only to Jesus' first coming, the birth and Incarnation, but to expect and pray for His second coming. Since this year we are prevented from celebrating in Beirut, we placed an advent wreath on the table with candles and have been following the schedule of Patriarchs week one, Prophets week two, John the Baptist week three, Mary the mother of Jesus week four, and Jesus Light of the World Christmas day.

Click on Advent for more information

Yesterday was a quiet Sunday after a Saturday with a wedding and decorating the church.