This begins the week of Thanksgiving and we are determined not to let it slip by in the Christmas shopping frenzy. What better holiday do we have than Thanksgiving? Instituted by Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War, he called the nation to pause and give thanks and praise to God for His mercies, and ask for forgiveness for presumptuous (look that one up in the dictionary) sins. Click on
Lincoln for the text. Click the side bar player for an original tune.
Barb says she is thankful for the deer we see almost daily, for the pansies on our deck, for the colors of Autumn that continue to surround us, for our children and grandchildren. Larry is thankful that all healing comes from Jesus (he has a very bad cold right now), for his faithful wife, for the amazing richness of friends we have in the East Texas area, and for his bike rides with Jesus.
What are you thankful for?
In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you